About the Faith Group

Growth of the Faith Group’s businesses

The Faith Group consists of companies dedicated to pursuing a range of esthetic businesses, including research, overseas operations, and educational programs, in order to provide unique solutions to the needs of society. Each company hones its own area of specialization while working closely with other parts of the Group to deliver on the promise of the three facets of beauty, a philosophy that promotes true healthy beauty. In 2006, Faith was reborn as a group of esthetically focused companies.

Recently, the esthetic industry has faced challenging social and economic conditions, and the Faith Group believes that we are witnessing the advent of an era in which only authentic esthetic products and services will survive.
Going forward, the Group will continue pursuing its businesses by means of even more robust structures so that it can continue to develop high-quality products that take advantage of the latest technologies and play a useful role for all stakeholders.

Message from the CEO

Read a message from Faith Group CEO Shinichi Kojima

Corporate Philosophy

Learn about the Faith Group’s goals and vision.

History and Timeline

Learn about the history of the Faith Group, from its founding to the present.

Group Companies and Organization

Explore a profile of the Faith Group and learn about its organizational structure.


Faith technologies have been patented in Japan, the U.S., Europe, China, and South Korea.