Faith Co., Ltd., is established.
Major developments in society
1977 to 1981: A number of cosmetics manufacturers are sued for damage caused by its products.
Faith Cosmetic Co., Ltd., is established.
BIOSOME gel cosmetics are born.
The Herbal Co., Ltd., is established.
Essex Co., Ltd., is established and starts selling slimming lingerie.
Faith launches its first directly operated esthetic salon.
Faith proposes the three facets of beauty (external, internal, and spiritual).
Faith starts exporting products to Singapore (Pacific Faith Pte. Ltd.).
The Pawze Corporation is established (currently Beauty Mission Co., Ltd.).
The Global Corporation is established (the company subsequently merged with Beauty Mission Co., Ltd.).
Faith launches its Insist series of makeup.
Faith launches its Nonative of hair care series.
Faith launches its “at system” series of cosmetics for sensitive skin.
1995: The Product Liability Act enters into force.
The Kyushu Branch is established.
Faith starts exporting products to the U.S. (Pawze America).
Faith launches its NO PRODUCE series of cosmetics that do not produce active oxygen.
Faith launches its NONOXY series of cosmetics that do not produce active oxygen.
Faith launches its Without series of skincare products for sale in drugstores.
The Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging enters into force.
No-oxy Co., Ltd., is established (currently Faith Co., Ltd.).
NU-Cosme Co., Ltd., is established.
2001: Manufacturers start labeling cosmetics products with all ingredients.
Faith relocates its Head Office to a company-owned building in Osaka’s Chuo Ward.
The Tokyo Branch is established.
Faith establishes Shanghai No-oxy Co., Ltd., as a Japanese-owned company.
Faith establishes Shanghai Faith Cosmetic Co., Ltd., as a joint Sino-Japanese entity.
Faith launches its VecTeana series of foundation cosmetics based on nano and ion technology.
The Nagoya Branch is established.
Faith launches an improved version of its Romance Chezreine series of slimming lingerie.
Faith launches its Cellbester S series of beauty appliances.
Faith expands its business by starting to make products available for purchase by consumers.
Faith Beauty Co., Ltd., is established.
The Faith Esthetic Academy opens.
Faith launches its Cellbester Personal series of homecare beauty appliances.
Faith launches Beauty Drink CoQ10.
Pharmaceutical Affairs Law revised enters into force in 2005
Faith launches its Elfin series of foundation cosmetics products for company-operated salons.
The Faith Esthetic Academy’s Kyushu School opens.
Faith changes its name following the integration of group companies and a reorganization.
Faith establishes Shanghai Faith Cosmetic R&D Co., Ltd., as a joint Sino-Japanese entity.
Faith marks the 20th anniversary of its founding.
Faith launches Without S.
Faith launches an updated version of its ACNOPURE series of cosmetics for pimple-prone skin.
Faith launches the Faith Lamellar Mode and Faith Lamellar Veil series of foundation cosmetics products that repair the lamellar structure of the stratum corneum.
Faith launches its Liposod series of foundation cosmetics.
Faith launches its Faith Insist series of lamellar theory makeup.
Faith marks the 25th anniversary of its founding.
Faith changes the name of its company-operated salons from Pawze to The Faith.
Faith launches Oxyone Essence Drink R.
Faith launches its Namacolla series of skincare products for sale in drugstores.
Faith launches an updated version of Faith Lamellar Veil EX containing “Faith Gelatin Collagen.”
Faith launches Without EX.
Faith launches Slim Force Kothalahim Diet Gel.
Faith launches Faith Lamellar Mode Precare Essence C.
Faith Cosmetics America Inc. is established.
“Faith Fresh Collagen” and “Faith Gelatin Collagen” have revolutionary technology that allows collagen, which ordinarily doesn’t reach the stratum corneum, to penetrate deep into the skin simply by being applied to its surface. They are the key ingredients in the Faith Group’s Stratum Corneum Lamellar Beauty Method.
Faith launches its Faith Insist Shine series of makeup.
Faith launches Faith Lamellar Mode Clay Gel Wash & Pack.
Faith marks the 30th anniversary of its founding.
Faith launches an updated version of its Nonative series of hair care products.
Faith launches Without EX Clay Wash & Pack.
Shinichi Kojima becomes CEO of the Faith Group.
Faith launches Faith Insist Lamellar U.B.P. Make Base.
Faith launches Faith Glow Eyelash Serum, inspired by the concept of skincare developed in their esthetic salons.
Faith launches Belseeq, part of their Salon Professional Makeup Series.
Faith launches an updated version of its make base brand Faith Insist Lamellar.
Faith launches an updated version of its drugstore skincare brand WITHOUT.
Faith launches LAMELLAR ReCHARGE Bright Mousse Serum, a rich foam beauty essence.
Faith launches Faith Calming Wash Foamer, a facial wash for sensitive skin.
Faith launches Nonative Scalp Essence for scalp.