
Overseas Businesses

We’re accelerating our overseas businesses by acquiring patents for manufacturing process in the U.S.
The Faith Group is poised to accomplish great things on the global stage going forward.

Overseas Businesses

Our focus on our overseas businesses reflects the Faith Group’s commitment to empower all women worldwide—not just women in Japan—so that they can enhance their beauty.
The Faith Group’s technology and products have earned high praise overseas.
While developing global businesses founded on an international perspective, we export cosmetics that we produce in Japan, primarily to Asian countries but also to New York.

Developing a full-scale business in
China and the United States

In 2003, we made a full-scale entry into the Chinese cosmetics sales business, establishing Shanghai No-oxy Co., Ltd. (now Faith Shanghai Co., Ltd.), and in 2014 we expanded into the United States, establishing Faith Cosmetics America, Inc. (Both companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of Faith Co., Ltd.).
We continue to grow our sales by providing true healthy beauty to women in the ever-growing Chinese market and the more global market of the United States.
We also participated in a project organized by the Japan-U.S. Cultural Exchange Institute "Brooklyn Beauty/Fashion Labo" (commonly known as BBFL), which opened in Brooklyn, New York, USA in January 2025.
Under the brand name "Brooklyn Beauty/Fashion Labo," we will develop new hybrid Japanese-American products and distribute them to the world through e-commerce, events, and other means.

Click here for the news article on "Participating in a project organized by the Japan-US Cultural Exchange Institute "Brooklyn Beauty/Fashion Labo" (commonly known as BBFL)" (*Japanese) >>